Saturday, January 5, 2008


So, right now, I'm in debt. At my age, this isn't a surprise. I have student loans, a car loan and two medical bills. Why am I blogging about? It's totally on my mind. Money for me has been this evil device that some minion of Satan (aka, the man) has used against me so my mobility and my opportunites are both limited. But, now, I'm fighting back. The man should have known he can't keep me down for long. I'm doing the whole Total Money Makeover, and even though I utterly despise money and budgets and all that would limit creativity and free living, I'm sticking it to the greedy minion and putting him in his place, which is totally off my bank account. I have one more payment on my smallest bill and then it's on to the next one. Soon, I'll hit the big whopper of a bill, the student loan, and I will be free from the bondage the establishment puts us in. If you are a bank, a credit card company, or the government, you had better watch out. I'm on to you.

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