Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's all finally paying off, I hope

I've worked overtime everyday at work for the past three weeks. I've learned more little annoying details only managers should deal with in that same time than I have in the 8 months I've worked at the cafe. I've dealt with moody men, childish customers, and jerks for HR people. I've had to give direction to the managers filling in for my boss who's baby decided to come into this world three weeks early. And now, someone is seeing all the work I do. The Columbus area manager gave me a huge compliment today by asking if I could clone myself. He saw how hard I was working to keep the cafe afloat while he looked for a new manager. He now knows how long I work each day and he saw me handle difficult situations. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I rock and now people know it.