Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I'm currently listening to the soundtrack of Pan's Labyrinth. It was a haunting movie, and so the soundtrack is haunting as well. I find myself listening more and more to soundtracks, because of the message they portray. You can tell a lot about the movie by listening to its heartbeat. That, for me, is what the soundtrack is all about.
Another soundtrack I've been listening to is to the latest Pride and Prejudice movie. The song that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy first dance to has a magical melody. When I listen to it, I cannot imagine any other tune exists. The only two things that exist, in fact, is the song and myself. Then the song ends. Mercedes' Lullaby from Pan's Labyrinth comes on and my whole existence shifts into a dimension where I cannot feel any other melody except this particular one. I try to imagine myself dancing to another tune. What other tune is there? I think to myself. There is none but this one.
Rachel Zylstra's "Another Again" comes on, and the same phenomenon occurs. She hits me a again with "So Fair" and by this time, I've visited so many dimensions that emotions have piled up on top of more emotions and tears well up. I'm in the middle of a fast paced kitchen cutting fruit and I have to move to onions to cover up the fact that I'm crying for no apparent reason.
I don't bring new music into my regular listening library. I have to obsess about certain ones. I have to dance with them, cry with them, and let them tell their stories to me. I often write stories to them, or movies. I do this even for the soundtracks, because a note or a melody speaks to me a completely different way. Too much music would mean that my head would explode from all the emotions.

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